Git Different Merge Types in Git Demystifying the difference between "Merge", "Fast Forward Merge", "Squash and Merge" and "Rebase and Merge" on Git
Git Removing Mistakes With Git Rebase Let's say you've got a public repository on GitHub where you're building a basic website hosted on AWS. Part of your website accesses an AWS service like S3, DynamoDB or SQS, so naturally you may have your AWS access key and secret stored in
Code Review Code Review Helper Function for Git in PowerShell I wrote the following article for work after finding a particularly useful function for code review as first talked about in this article []. You can use PowerShell and Git to build a helper function for showing the different between develop and a branch under review; outputting
Code Review How to Rock Code Review on the Command Line Recently I’ve focused on utilising the command line more whilst learning how to use Git outside a GUI. Through this I’ve found what can only be described as the ultimate code review command!! along with an approach I like for assessing changes. Most of the time code reviews